
Pecha Kucha #5 will rock you!

Be Prepared!
Pecha Kucha Night Bandung vol. 5 will rock the city!
Friday, May 29th, 2009.
Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No 5 (Viaduct)

Venue open at 19:00
Pay Attention...
Presentation will BEGIN at 20:00

Our presenters:

1) Ucuk (Suave Magazine)
2) Yufie Safitri (Eco fashion)
3) Moel (Klab rajut & origami)
4) Urban Workshopper UPH
5) Alfa (Twitter)
6) Sutra Djarot(cloak & dagger)
7) Andy Sutioso (rumah belajar SMIPA)
8) Andi Alamsyah (Photography)
9) Marin (Fast Forward Record)
10) Tegep (Teger boots)
11) Tarlen Handayani (Tobucil)
12) Ihsan (Eco Ethno Permainan Anak)
13) Avianti Arman (Architect)
14) Anwar (Lomonesia)
15) Friedrich Moes (Bentuk)
16) George Timorason (Geoti Studio)
17) One Village One Playground

and get ready for door prizes...
our sponsors are so generous...we have PLENTY to give out!
be there and get your not ordinary entry pass just on location (no ticket boxes)

see you!!

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