in one year we are now heading to our 7th Pecha Kucha Night in Bandung.
This time it will be held on
Friday/November 6th, 2009
at Gedung Merdeka, Asian African Conference Museum,
Jl. Asia Afrika No.65, Bandung
venue will be open at 18:00, for those who have not yet seen the museum, you have chance to stroll around before the presentation begin
you can purchase your ticket on the spot only for Rp. 20.000,-
the presenters this time are:
1.Yudiman | TV beouscope
2.Radit | Youth Waste
3.Avianti Ahmad & Danny W | Ruang Tinggal dlm Kota
4.Rizky Adiwilaga | Law
5.Irma I Hariawang | Astronomi dan Borobudur
6.Ryan Kusuma | Death Rock Star
7.Fiky Satari | Clothing
8.Creative Movement | Creative Club
9.Jendra Adhinegara | Paper Quelling
10.Satria Yanuar Akbar | Saung Angklung Udjo
11.Bandung Public Furniture | Industrial production
12.Yudhi Andhika | The Yellow Dino
13.Rama Wulandari | Fashion Designer
14.Ario | Comic Illustrater
15.Yatny Yulianty | Star Lore Indonesia
16.Kukuh Rizal | Recycle Production
17.Isman Pasha| Gedung Merdeka
18.Otong Koil | Musikus
19.Edy Subangkit | Rampak
be there to get inspired!
Pecha Kucha #5 will rock you!
Be Prepared!
Pecha Kucha Night Bandung vol. 5 will rock the city!
Friday, May 29th, 2009.
Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No 5 (Viaduct)
Venue open at 19:00
Pay Attention...
Presentation will BEGIN at 20:00
Our presenters:
1) Ucuk (Suave Magazine)
2) Yufie Safitri (Eco fashion)
3) Moel (Klab rajut & origami)
4) Urban Workshopper UPH
5) Alfa (Twitter)
6) Sutra Djarot(cloak & dagger)
7) Andy Sutioso (rumah belajar SMIPA)
8) Andi Alamsyah (Photography)
9) Marin (Fast Forward Record)
10) Tegep (Teger boots)
11) Tarlen Handayani (Tobucil)
12) Ihsan (Eco Ethno Permainan Anak)
13) Avianti Arman (Architect)
14) Anwar (Lomonesia)
15) Friedrich Moes (Bentuk)
16) George Timorason (Geoti Studio)
17) One Village One Playground
and get ready for door prizes...
our sponsors are so generous...we have PLENTY to give out!
be there and get your not ordinary entry pass just on location (no ticket boxes)
see you!!
Pecha Kucha Night Bandung vol. 5 will rock the city!
Friday, May 29th, 2009.
Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No 5 (Viaduct)
Venue open at 19:00
Pay Attention...
Presentation will BEGIN at 20:00
Our presenters:
1) Ucuk (Suave Magazine)
2) Yufie Safitri (Eco fashion)
3) Moel (Klab rajut & origami)
4) Urban Workshopper UPH
5) Alfa (Twitter)
6) Sutra Djarot(cloak & dagger)
7) Andy Sutioso (rumah belajar SMIPA)
8) Andi Alamsyah (Photography)
9) Marin (Fast Forward Record)
10) Tegep (Teger boots)
11) Tarlen Handayani (Tobucil)
12) Ihsan (Eco Ethno Permainan Anak)
13) Avianti Arman (Architect)
14) Anwar (Lomonesia)
15) Friedrich Moes (Bentuk)
16) George Timorason (Geoti Studio)
17) One Village One Playground
and get ready for door prizes...
our sponsors are so generous...we have PLENTY to give out!
be there and get your not ordinary entry pass just on location (no ticket boxes)
see you!!
Pecha Kucha #4 is here!!!
it is our fourth Pecha Kucha Night in Bandung now...
We will have 16 presenters, confirmed so far:
1) Ary Indra (Aboday Architect)
2) Andrie Trisaksono (Industrial Designer)
3) Jimmy Purba (Hepta Design)
4) Dudy Wiyancoko (Bamboo Workshop)
5) Deni Khanafiah (Bandung Fe Institute)
6) Rubi Rusli (Rumah Musik Harry Rusly)
7) MB June Rusano (Greeneration Indonesia)
8) Andi Yudha (PicuPacu Creative)
9) Riama Maslan (Graphic Designer)
10) Maya Hirai (Origamic Artist)
11) Gustaff Harriman (Commonroom Network)
those are our presenters for this coming Saturday Night...make sure you've reserved your spot!
Oh did I forget mention when and where?
Ok...mark your calendar...or move your other schedule :D
This coming Saturday, April 28th, 2008
LABO. the m o r i
Jl. Bukit Dago Utara II no.22
Venue Open: 19:00
Presentation starts: 20:20 - 23:00
Reserve your spot with just Rp. 20.000,-
you can get your ticket at
ticket boxes (available from Monday, March 23rd 2009, onwards):
1. LABO. the mori
2. UrbanE ; Jl. Sumur Bandung 20
3. Bang Edi ; Gedung Arsitektur Lt. 1 ITB
4. Common Room ; Jl. Kyai Gede Utama 8
5. Invictus ; Jl. Trunojoyo
...and for sure, you can have a 'go show', crossing fingers there'll be enough ticket on the spot ;)
see you there!!!
*click here for venue map*
it is our fourth Pecha Kucha Night in Bandung now...
We will have 16 presenters, confirmed so far:
1) Ary Indra (Aboday Architect)
2) Andrie Trisaksono (Industrial Designer)
3) Jimmy Purba (Hepta Design)
4) Dudy Wiyancoko (Bamboo Workshop)
5) Deni Khanafiah (Bandung Fe Institute)
6) Rubi Rusli (Rumah Musik Harry Rusly)
7) MB June Rusano (Greeneration Indonesia)
8) Andi Yudha (PicuPacu Creative)
9) Riama Maslan (Graphic Designer)
10) Maya Hirai (Origamic Artist)
11) Gustaff Harriman (Commonroom Network)
those are our presenters for this coming Saturday Night...make sure you've reserved your spot!
Oh did I forget mention when and where?
Ok...mark your calendar...or move your other schedule :D
This coming Saturday, April 28th, 2008
LABO. the m o r i
Jl. Bukit Dago Utara II no.22
Venue Open: 19:00
Presentation starts: 20:20 - 23:00
Reserve your spot with just Rp. 20.000,-
you can get your ticket at
ticket boxes (available from Monday, March 23rd 2009, onwards):
1. LABO. the mori
2. UrbanE ; Jl. Sumur Bandung 20
3. Bang Edi ; Gedung Arsitektur Lt. 1 ITB
4. Common Room ; Jl. Kyai Gede Utama 8
5. Invictus ; Jl. Trunojoyo
...and for sure, you can have a 'go show', crossing fingers there'll be enough ticket on the spot ;)
see you there!!!
*click here for venue map*
PKN.bdg vol#3 presentation (2)
Manuel Heischel
Manuel Heischel (20 x 20)_small
Aldo Zero Toys
Aldo Zerotoys Museum (20x20)
Garis Depan Nusantara (Aat Soeratin)
Presentation Garis Depan Nusantara (20x20)
Dandy Darman (Unkl/347)
Urbane Indonesia (Rekotomo and Angga Latief)
Urbane Presentation
(to come)
Manuel Heischel (20 x 20)_small
Aldo Zero Toys
Aldo Zerotoys Museum (20x20)
Garis Depan Nusantara (Aat Soeratin)
Presentation Garis Depan Nusantara (20x20)
Dandy Darman (Unkl/347)
Urbane Indonesia (Rekotomo and Angga Latief)
Urbane Presentation
(to come)
PKN.bdg vol#3 presentations (1)
We are currently uploading presentation slides from Pecha Kucha Night vol. 3
Please keep monitoring this blog!
Phaerly Maviec Musadi
Pei Pecha Kucha Final_small
Willis Kusuma
Socialhouse_presentasi Bandung (20 x 20) Konsultan Hki-pentingkah Perannya Di Industri Kreatif (20x20) Acting Ilmu Kehidupan (20x20)
l'Ecriture Feminine (20x20)
Tita Larasati
curhatita (20x20)
Erick Setiawan
Ericbdg Pecha Kucha (20 x 20)
Please keep monitoring this blog!
Phaerly Maviec Musadi
Pei Pecha Kucha Final_small
Willis Kusuma
Socialhouse_presentasi Bandung (20 x 20) Konsultan Hki-pentingkah Perannya Di Industri Kreatif (20x20) Acting Ilmu Kehidupan (20x20)
l'Ecriture Feminine (20x20)
Tita Larasati
curhatita (20x20)
Erick Setiawan
Ericbdg Pecha Kucha (20 x 20)
It's Confirmed!

Today we had press release on air - thanks to our media partner, Female Radio Bandung and Prambors -
...and happily announce, we have 15 confirmed presenters, they are
1) Adi Dharma, script writer for TV Sitcom and represent the graffiti community F.A.B in Bandung.
2) Phaerly Maviec previous blog we said he is from skater community, sorry to say, it is not represent him well. He has done lot's more than taking part in skater community. He is founder of Yayasan Adikaka with many creative ways to campaign. You can read more about him on
3) Willis Kusuma. Young architect and visiting lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan. One of the contributors for FPod(s) in FX. His most recent and published project is Social House @ Harvey Nichols, Grand Indonesia.
4) Rizky Adiwilaga. This is the first time we will have a lawyer speaks in creative community forum. Specializing in intelectual property right, Kang Rizky has been important part if we would like to seriously progress the creative industry. .
5) Rene Suhardono Canoneo. Host of "Career Coach" Radioprogram in 87.6 HardRock FM. Together with his friends, he started "Decanter", a wine house build on passion of these people on good food, good wine and good life.
6) Tita Larasati. This time she'll share her other 'virtual' life which now materialized in two comic book. Graphic Diary is compilation of her sketches on her actual daily experiences. Real life in comic book. She even has prepared a poster for herself presenting in PechaKucha Nights .bdg!
7) Paskalis Khrisno and Danny Wicaksono will represent jongArsitek! an online architecture and design magazine.
8) Manuel Heischel is a unique Germany artist who is currently live in Bandung for (so far, he said) 3 years. Together with his friend Marc Jung, they made various art and fashion products with label HeischelJung. He creates fantasy figurines named CikCuk and CanCuk (guess where it comes). Find him on Facebook and Youtube as Cikcuk Dunia Fantasi
9) Aat Soeratin and Ipong Witono will present us with their expedition to 92 edge islands of Indonesia. This team is known as Tim Garis Depan Nusantara
10) Slamet Rahardjo Djarot. As senior actor, musician, movie director, producer, he has lifetime achievement in Indonesia movie and television history. Until now he is still active in Teater Populer, Jakarta
11) Agung Hujatnikajenong. One of few art curators in Indonesia. He is currently works as curator of Selasar Sunaryo Art Space and participated in residencies for curator in Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane (2001), Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra (2001), Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2004).
12) Erick Sulaiman is comic artist and mentor in Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung. He has wide range of graphic works to share. Most recent is his response to Gaza Attack, entitled: Menteror Gaza
13) Vitorini is young female architect enterpreneur. She develops her own design studio with vision to provide a creative place for female architect colleagues.
14) Aldo. Building a Museum of Toy maybe his pinnacle as toy collector geek! For sure he has more to say than just collecting action figures.
15) Dendy Darman. _unkl347 (was 347/eat) can be claimed as pioneer of Distro (Distribution Store) business in Bandung.
Last but not least...and we are still waiting for their confirmation...
16) Ludruk ITB. Laugh your heart out. Traditional Jawa Timur-an comedy that is still well 'preserved' by this community in ITB. We are really hoping they could share the fun with us...
crossing fingers, friends!
make sure you are there.
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
at Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan 5 (Viaduct, next to Bethel Church)
venue open: 19:30
doorprizes are ready for you!
Pecha Kucha Nights.bdg volume 3, is coming to town!!
Hello there....
it's been a while isn't it?
sorry for neglecting this blog for quite sometimes. news still a good news, rite?
Following two successful PechaKucha Nights in Bandung, we are ready to deliver the third volume.
coming in Bandung:
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
Open: 19:00 - 23:30
Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 5 (Viaduct)
presenter list (so far)
1) Slamet Rahardjo (we bet you know him...should we still give a hint?)
2) Manuel Heischello (German artist that currently choose to stay in Bandung for 3 years...he says, I love Bandung)
3) Vitorini (young and independent female architect, one of the founder of Beau, now GAEA architect studio)
4) Willis Kusuma (have heard about Social House in Grand Indonesia? Have question? meet the designer yourself)
5) Rene S Canoneo (...Career Highlight, Hardrock FM...Decanter..ring a bell?)
6) Rizky Adiwilaga (Shall we call him a warrior for intellectual property?)
7) Agung Hujatnikajenong (Curator of Selasar Sunario)
8) Pei from skaters community in Bandung
9) Dendy unkl/347 (may we say, he and his friends are one of the pioneer in Bandung distro business...)
10) Paskalis Khrisno (jongArsitek! the web magazine for architects and designers)
11) Aldo represents toy collectors community will awe you...(if we are lucky, you'll meet Starwars members in the venue ;-)
12) Adi Dharma (many people hates graffiti...yet, he is a member of the graffiti community in Bandung!)
13) Taufik Rahzen (why Gedung Indonesia Menggugat? because we want to know more about it)
and 3 more still on confirmation...
don't miss it!
it is less than a week now...
so be ready, and mark your calendar!
it's been a while isn't it?
sorry for neglecting this blog for quite sometimes. news still a good news, rite?
Following two successful PechaKucha Nights in Bandung, we are ready to deliver the third volume.
coming in Bandung:
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
Open: 19:00 - 23:30
Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 5 (Viaduct)
presenter list (so far)
1) Slamet Rahardjo (we bet you know him...should we still give a hint?)
2) Manuel Heischello (German artist that currently choose to stay in Bandung for 3 years...he says, I love Bandung)
3) Vitorini (young and independent female architect, one of the founder of Beau, now GAEA architect studio)
4) Willis Kusuma (have heard about Social House in Grand Indonesia? Have question? meet the designer yourself)
5) Rene S Canoneo (...Career Highlight, Hardrock FM...Decanter..ring a bell?)
6) Rizky Adiwilaga (Shall we call him a warrior for intellectual property?)
7) Agung Hujatnikajenong (Curator of Selasar Sunario)
8) Pei from skaters community in Bandung
9) Dendy unkl/347 (may we say, he and his friends are one of the pioneer in Bandung distro business...)
10) Paskalis Khrisno (jongArsitek! the web magazine for architects and designers)
11) Aldo represents toy collectors community will awe you...(if we are lucky, you'll meet Starwars members in the venue ;-)
12) Adi Dharma (many people hates graffiti...yet, he is a member of the graffiti community in Bandung!)
13) Taufik Rahzen (why Gedung Indonesia Menggugat? because we want to know more about it)
and 3 more still on confirmation...
don't miss it!
it is less than a week now...
so be ready, and mark your calendar!
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